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Meagher's Medicine Injection Service

Our trained and experienced pharmacists can administer some prescribed injection medicines to you in the privacy of our consultation room, at a convenient time that suits you.  We are currently offering administration of Vitamin B12 Injection.

This medicines must be prescribed by a Doctor prior to administration.  Please click this link to book or contact your local Meagher's store for availability.  


Cost of this service?

There is a €25 administration charge for the service payable on the day after your consultation.   
Following each administration it is important that you continue to visit your doctor for any monitoring or scheduled reviews of your medication.

Vitamin B12 Injection Service  

Vitamin B12 is a nutrient that helps keep us healthy. Our bodies do not create vitamin B12, it is obtained from food sources. Vitamin B12 deficiency anaemia occurs when a lack of vitamin B12 or folate causes the body to produce abnormally large red blood cells that cannot function properly.

Common symptoms of Vitamin B12 deficiency are

  • extreme tiredness,
  • lack of energy
  • mouth ulcers
  • muscle weakness
  • disturbed vision
  • problems with memory and understanding.

You can supplement Vitamin B12 with oral tablets or where there is a more defined case of deficiency, injections of B12 can be required. 

  • Vitamin B12 deficiency is diagnosed by your GP based on your presenting symptoms and confirmed with a blood test, where a prescription will be issued if Vitamin B12 injection supplementation is required.
  • One of our trained pharmacists can administer your B12 injection at a participating Meagher's Pharmacy.
  • You must be over 18years to avail of this service.

​****Please note a valid prescription is required from your doctor prior to B12 administration. Please bring this prescription with you if not already present in the pharmacy or sent directly by the GP.


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