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Why I love Symprove

Why I love Symprove

Jenni TRX |

I’m often asked why I take Symprove and for me the answer is pretty clear, because it makes me feel better. I believe in a 360 approach to health: internal, external and mental and I believe without all three you don’t’ have optimum health. Looking great means nothing if your insides are a toxic time bomb and the same goes for your mental health.

Check out my first blog to learn why good gut health is so important.
I was on a super restrictive diet for years as an International fitness competitor and so when I retired and reintroduced various foods I’d suffer from painful bloating & discomfort. The nature of my job means I’d often be called to do a fitness shoot or present at an event last min in tight gym clothes and I’d be so self-conscious of my distended tummy, it really affected by confidence.
I had tried everything else on the market from teas to old wife’s tales to every herbal tablet around and nothing worked, however since being introduced to Symprove over a year ago I honestly haven’t looked back. I still get some bloating outbreaks especially when I travel, but once I take my shot of Symprove I personally notice a huge difference sometimes as fast as an hour ( understandably this is different for everyone depending on your gut, why you are taking it and the length you are taking it). For me I can literally feel a cooling effect working its way down my GI tract.
I treat Symprove as my Immune systems best line of defence especially as a coach working with general public all day every day in a gym, a germ’s dream breeding environment. I can’t afford to be sick in my line of work but if I do, I know that having a healthy gut biome will mean that my body will try it’s best to fight the invaders naturally as I do not like taking antibiotics. I now know exactly how to treat the painful uncomfortable side effects from a gut that wasn’t working as it should.
I recently got married in America and I made sure I packed as many bottles with me as I could for weeks leading up to the wedding and the day of it itself. Just like any other bride to be I was a ball of nerves with the added stress of organising a wedding in a super short space of time, and settling into a new country, so the last thing I needed was my tummy acting up and feeling uncomfortable and bloated in my wedding dress. As I mentioned I have moved country for a while and currently live in Utah. The first few months my tummy has not been happy. The food here is just so different to at home, it reacted with everything no matter what I ate within an hour I’d suffer from a painful distended stomach and gas, Symprove has been such a saviour, as have the incredible team from Meagher’s who make sure I am always stocked up with product. Yes it travels across oceans perfectly fine in the airplane hold, and once you get to where you are a sink of cold water in your hotel room a cooler bag or fridge once it’s opened is all you need. Myself and my husband take our cold Symprove first thing every morning whilst the other gets the coffee ready, be it 5am or a lazy chilled Sunday it is never forgotten. I have Ty taking it now since he visited Ireland in March and I know he won’t ever stop taking it either.

 Jenni TRX symprove

Check out my next blog to see why i will continue to take Symprove