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Choose the right contraception for you!

Choose the right contraception for you!

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Which contraception suits you and your lifestyle best? Long acting, short acting- contraception comes in lots of different forms offering different levels of protection against pregnancy.

You may be looking to go on contraception for the first time or review what you are already on, and it can be very confusing. 

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Did you know:

  • Almost half (49%) of 17–24-year-old females are not aware that the contraceptive pill has a failure rate of 9%.¹
  • Long Acting Reversible Contraceptives (LARCs) are the most effective type of contraception (over 99% effective)2
  • All types  of Long Acting Reversible Contraception (LARC)-  including the coil, implant and injection - can be used by women whether or not they have previously had a baby.

There are many different contraception options available, and it is important to get your information from a reliable, trusted source.

That is why Bayer Ireland launched a new four-part podcast series –My Contraception & Sexual Health hosted by Pharmacist Jess Redden. We want to empower young people to inform themselves and find the right information about contraception, hormones and sexual health.

Episode 1 (listen here)- It’s Your Hormonal Health …Take Control

In this first episode of our podcast series host Jess Redden is joined by Dr Caoimhe Hartley, a GP with a special interest in women’s health to explore and learn about female hormones, their impact on our bodies, and how we can best care for and support our hormonal health

Episode 2 (listen here) -Pill, Patch, Condoms…What Suits You Best?   

In this episode host Jess Redden discusses short acting contraception options with Dr Eadaoin Lysaght, the Medical Director at UCD Medical Centre. Together they challenge some myths, discover some truths and explain what happens at a contraceptive consultation.

Episode 3 (Listen here) - Fit And Forget… Long Acting Reversible Contraception For Young Adults

Host Jess Redden is joined by Dr Deirdre Lundy – a GP specialising in female health for 30 years. Dr Lundy explains what exactly Long-Acting Reversible Contraception is, who can use it and why it is considered a “fit and forget” form of contraception.

Episode 4 (Listen here) – Everything You Need To Know About STI’s …But Were Afraid To Ask

In this final episode, host Jess Redden is joined by Nurse Anne Moriarty to understand the types, causes and symptoms of sexually transmitted infections whilst also highlighting treatments options and important steps to prevention.

Always speak to your doctor or nurse for personal advice. Health information in this article is intended as general information and for Irish audiences only. It is not intended to replace a consultation with a healthcare professional, nor is it intended to provide specific medical advice.

This is an education initiative supported by Meagher’s and Bayer Limited.


  1. https://wellwomancentre.ie/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/Dublin_WWC_CONTRACEPTIVE_Report_NOV2020_FINAL.pdf.
  2. https://wellwomancentre.ie/larcs-myths-facts/